Business Training-TV’s Premium Legal Special Course, “Work Bribery in Australia”, is available for training now. This program was authored by Sierra Legal. Covering a variety of topics from False Accounting and Corporate Hospitality, to Whistleblower Legislation and much more, this SCORM course is essential training in Australian workplaces.
Australia’s anti-bribery laws apply to individuals and businesses that operate in Australia, and Australian individuals and businesses that operate internationally. Bribery and corruption can damage investor and public confidence, inhibit economic development, and increase the cost of doing business.
Engaging in bribery and corruption can carry penalties of up to 10 years’ imprisonment, and fines up to $2,100,000 for individuals and $21,000,000 for businesses.
Help build an ethical culture, eliminate bribery and corruption from your workplace, and mitigate the potential for litigation and investigation.
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The Sierra Legal team has over 80 years’ professional and industry experience. All of the lawyers in the team have worked at top-tier local and international firms. They believe that good training and experience matter and make a difference to the quality of service they provide.
Find out more about Sierra Legal at
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